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Childbirth preparation, prophylaxis and doula support

We know that preparation during pregnancy and support during birth optimize the birth experience. We also know that a positive birth experience has good effects on both the relationship and parenting. Our mission is to give you the support you need to have the best possible experience when your child is born.

Our Services

Birth preparation can mean many different things. For someone, it is about downloading a pregnancy app, for another, buying a stroller and for a third, going to pregnancy yoga.


Do you feel the need to prepare, process previous birth experience or do you simply want to maximize the conditions for a positive birth experience? Din Gravidcoach offers individually adapted childbirth preparation where you can choose the form that suits you best. 


In the list below, we present an overview of all our services. To read more, click on to the respective page. You can book a free consultation where we make a plan for you together. 

Förlossningsförberedels där en doula visar partnern hur hen kan jobba med mottryck för att lindra förlossningssmärta.



Childbirth preparation as a gift is filled with care and fits nicely as

  birthday present, Christmas gift or for a baby shower

Föda utan rädslas verktyg- Kurs med Din Gravidcoach

Birth without fear

Profylaxkurs med Din Gravidcoach

prophylaxis course

Doula på förlossningen

Doula support

Ammande bebis

Breast feeding support

TENS-apparat för att lindra smärta vid förlossning.

Rental of tools

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