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Ceremonies around motherhood have existed in all times and cultures of the world. Motherblessing as a ceremony has received a boost in Sweden, something that shows a need to feel togetherness and celebrate life. We hear about this, among other things, from influencers such as Opokua and Asabea Britton and Carolina Gynnig.
Motherblessing is a ceremony to honor the pregnant woman and welcome the baby into the world. In addition to this, the purpose of a Motherblessing is for the pregnant woman to have a moment where she gets to feel the amazing thing she is doing by carrying and creating a child in her body. Read more below:

Motherblessing - the ceremony celebrating motherhood




  • When you book, you will receive a short form to fill in with questions where your needs are made clear

  • You will receive an email with instructions so that those of you who participate know how to prepare. 

  • When we come to you, we need a room to prepare the ceremony in before we start. 




Each ceremony is unique and influenced by your wishes. It can include, for example, music, poems, spontaneous wishes, gifts, massage, song, dance or meditation. The possibilities are endless. 


Time consumption:


The ceremony lasts about an hour. We need about 30 minutes before and 30 minutes after to prepare and take away. 


Cost: SEK 3000 

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