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A doula works to reduce fear and instill courage and strength so that you feel safe and strong before the birth of your child. With a doula by your side, the conditions for a positive birth experience are optimized. 

What does a doula do?

Feeling supported during childbirth provides peace and safety, which in turn increases the possibility of a positive experience. We know that a positive birth experience strengthens your self-esteem, your relationship and contributes to a good start to parenthood. 


In todays maternity care, you are offered a high level of medical security. It is a challenge for the staff on site to also provide emotional safety, as there is a high workload and a lack of relationship-based care. Our mission as doulas is to help you navigate the birthing process, provide continuous support and be the person in the room who focuses on your well-being. We assist with information, such as what you can expect at the hospital, remind you of your options and guide you in comfort measure strategies. We continuously monitor how you feel emotionally, physically and mentally throughout the birth.

Doula på förlossningen

We assist with information, such as what you can expect at the hospital, remind you of your options and guide you in strategies for pain management. We continuously monitor how you feel emotionally, physically and mentally throughout the birth.


We have a lot of experience and carry many tips and tricks -but the important thing is not what we do but how we make you feel. 

We are so grateful that we made the decision to have a doula at the birth. I was strengthened in giving birth on my terms and daring to stick to it and daring to visualize my dream birth. As a parent, I appreciated the security that my partner had support and a team player at all times. For me, it was enormously nice to have another pair of hands that could pat, support and relieve pain in different ways.

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The advantage of doula-duo is that there was a double competence and experience bank. There were many nice conversations with both Malin and Aniara! For us, it also felt safe to know that in the event of a long process that the doulas could be replaced and thus be able to be a good support all the way. In short, it was worth having a person with you who never left the room. For us, it wasnt even a question of whether we should have a doula with us at the next birth.

- Frida

It is impossible to summarize how much our doula meant to us and to our birth experience. We wish everyone who is expecting a child the same wonderful experience both before and during birth. I recommend everyone to hire a doula! You wont regret it. My partner and I are so happy that we chose to have a doula and we will never give birth without that support. It gave us both our dream birth.

- Ida

The prenatal talks with our doula made both my husband and I feel well prepared for the birth.
During the birth itself, it was really nice to have an extra support person. At one point I was afraid that problems I had during my first birth would be repeated. The doula was the only one who understood my fear and thus she, together with the midwife, was able to explain that my fear was not justified.
We can really recommend hiring a doula.

- Anna

How does one go about hiring a doula?

    • Free consultation 30 minutes online via Zoom when we tell you how we work, what is included in a doula package and you get the opportunity to tell us about who you are and what makes you consider hiring a doula.

    • You contemplate a couple of days before you book us. Read our Google reviews of what other parents' experience of hiring us in Din Gravidcoach and what it meant to them.

    • We create a contract and you book us by paying a small booking fee

    • We make a plan for how and when the preparations and meetings will take place.

    • We provide support during birth based on the plan created. We are available for questions and support via telephone and e-mail throughout the pregnancy and the first period afterwards.

“We felt pretty confident right away after talking to you. You both felt experienced and down to earth, which feels great! So we would love to have you as a doulas with us on this trip! Feels exciting! ”

-Doula client June 2022

Doula duo: Safety and sustainability

Safety and sustainability are two important components of Din Gravidcoachs work.

This means that when you hire Din Gravidcoach, you get not just one, but two doulas at your disposal. With two doulas, you get twice as much experience, knowledge and resources at your disposal. We call the concept Doula duo. You get to know both of your doulas during the prenatal talks and the doula who is on call when your baby wants to be born is the one who supports you during the birth. So you get two experienced doulas at the price is one

- and in this way we create both safety and sustainability!

With two doulas in the team, the conditions are optimized so that you always have a safe, strong and rested doula by your side. Together we are even better and with you parents-to-be, we are convinced that we will become an unbeatable team!

Read how other parents have experienced hiring us as doulas among our reviews.

Doula- duo Malin och Aniara

Read how other parents have experienced hiring us as doulas among ours reviews on Google.

​Doula package​: Doula-duo


  • Two prenatal meetings with a focus on how to transform the theoretical basis that you have acquired via prophylaxis courses, books, podcasts and your surroundings, into strategies that suit you based on your personality and your situation.


  • Advice and support via e-mail and phone throughout the assignment period.

  • On call two weeks before the expected birth and until the child is born.

  • Advice, encouragement and guidance by phone or video call during early labor.

  • Physical presence and support during the active phase of childbirth. 


  • Post partum meeting at your home after the birth. 

  • Breastfeeding course in your home to create the best conditions for a functioning breastfeeding.

  • Extended support during the latency phase by having physical support and a doula already during the latency phase. Examples of what she can do is to provide security through her physical presence, guide breathing and relaxation and give a beneficial massage that can make the oxytocin flow and relieve pain. 


  • Extended support during the first period at home with, for example, 12 hours of doula support when you can get support in breastfeeding/feeding the baby, advice and support regarding the baby's sleep and well-being, a chance to catch up on sleep or take a shower in peace and quiet. In addition, you get the opportunity to land in the new role as parents with safe and professional support. ​​

Vi samarbetar med Medical Finance vilket ger er möjlighet till räntefri avbetalning.

Ansökan görs på deras hemsida och ni kan enkelt fylla i era uppgifter för att få ett förhandsbesked, utan att ni binder er till något.
Välj Din Gravidcoach i rull-listan över företag. 

We take assignments in Skåne, southern Halland and southern Småland and support births at all hospitals marked on the map below, as well as home births in the entire area.


Are you going to give birth in a place off the map? Contact us and we will put you in touch with the doulas we collaborate with around the country!

  • doula is a support person for both you who are pregnant and for you who are a partner and/or expectant father or mother.


  • doula uses her calmness, her presence and all the knowledge that exists around childbirth.


  • doula works to reduce fear and instill courage and strength so that you feel safe and strong before the birth of your child.


  • doula has no medical responsibility and does not give medical advice, but is an expert in being a support and a bridge between the expectant parents and maternity care.

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