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With a doula by your side, the conditions for a safe and positive birth experience are optimized, leaving a lasting impact on you as individuals, as a couple, and as parents.

Doulasupport with Din Gravidcoach

We are delighted that you have found us, Din Gravidcoach. With many years of experience and numerous births behind us, we take pride in the support we offer and the sense of security we create.

Our mission as doulas is to help you navigate the birthing process, provide continuous support, and be the person in the room who stays throughout the entire process, focusing on your well-being. We continuously check in on your emotional, mental, and physical state, provide information, remind you of your options, and guide you through pain management strategies. While we bring extensive experience and countless tips and tricks, the most important thing is not what we do but how we make you feel.

When you hire Din Gravidcoach, you have access to advice and support via phone and email throughout the entire assignment period (from confirmed booking), on-call availability 24/7 one week before the estimated due date until your baby is born, Anna Tallwes' book 'Förlossning – Bli en delaktig partner,' and a backup doula.

Lyssna på Lejla som delar med sig av hur det var för henne och hennes partner att ha med en doula på teamet i samband med födseln av deras barn.


We felt confident right away after talking to you. You came across as experienced and down-to-earth, which felt wonderful! So, we would love to have you as our doulas on this journey. It feels exciting!

-First time parents


Early in my partner’s pregnancy, she talked about having a doula at the birth. At first, I was a bit skeptical—why would someone else take over “my job” as the support person? Later, I realized the doula wasn’t taking over my role; she was helping me become a better support person. Together, we became such a strong and effective team.

- Emil

  • doula is a support person for both you who are pregnant and for you who are a partner and/or expectant father or mother.


  • doula uses her calmness, her presence and all the knowledge that exists around childbirth.


  • doula works to reduce fear and instill courage and strength so that you feel safe and strong before the birth of your child.


  • doula has no medical responsibility and does not give medical advice, but is an expert in being a support and a bridge between the expectant parents and maternity care.

Support for a safe and calm birth

Feeling supported during childbirth provides peace and safety, which in turn increases the possibility of a positive experience. We know that a positive birth experience strengthens your self-esteem, your relationship and contributes to a good start to parenthood. 


In todays maternity care, you are offered a high level of medical security. It is a challenge for the staff on site to also provide emotional safety, as there is a high workload and a lack of relationship-based care. Our mission as doulas is to help you navigate the birthing process, provide continuous support and be the person in the room who focuses on your well-being. We assist with information, such as what you can expect at the hospital, remind you of your options and guide you in comfort measure strategies. We continuously monitor how you feel emotionally, physically and mentally throughout the birth.

Book a Doula - Here's How It Works


Kostnadsfri konsultation

Ett avslappnat möte på Zoom där ni lär känna doulan och diskuterar era behov och förväntningar.


Kostnadsförslag & Beslutstid

Efter mötet får ni ett skräddarsytt förslag och tid att känna efter innan ni bestämmer er.



Betala en bokningsavgift för att säkra plats och doulan reserverar sin tid för er.



Förlossningsförberedande träffar med fokus på att bygga relation och identifiera era behov för att skapa en trygg och positiv förlossning.


Stöd under & efter födsel

Doulan stöttar er under hela förlossningen och följer upp efteråt för att hjälpa er landa i er nya roll som föräldrar

Kärlek Relation Kunskap om den födande (Instagram-inlägg).png

When you came in during the active phase of labor, when I felt overwhelmed by pain and exhaustion, everything felt very natural. I think we both felt as though you were like a wonderful older sister, someone we could completely relax around and trust implicitly – after all, we had never done this before.

- Ida

Doula in Skåne

We take assignments in Skåne, southern Halland and southern Småland and support births at all hospitals marked on the map below, as well as home births in the entire area.


Are you going to give birth in a place off the map? Contact us and we will put you in touch with the doulas we collaborate with around the country!

We collaborate with Medical Finance, giving you the option of interest-free installment payments.

The application is made on their website, and you can easily fill in your details to receive a preliminary decision without any commitment.
Select "Din Gravidcoach" from the dropdown list of companies.

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